When you give up alcohol, your body will move through various stages of recovery, especially if you've been a dependent drinker.
There are always going to be individual variations to the stages listed below, so use the below information as a guideline as to how your own body may react, what you may expect to happen and when.
Anyone who has been a heavy or dependent drinker should seek medical support and advice before they quit drinking due to the potentially dangerous impacts of going cold turkey without the right monitoring. However, no one should be scared off giving up drinking due to this, the right help for you is out there...
Everyone is likely to experience slight variations on the following timelines...
The main benefits you'll see after quitting alcohol...
Weight loss
Improved health and fitness
Improved moods
Increased productivity
Improved sleep
Improved vision
Improved skin complexion
More money in your pocket
Ability to absorb vitamins and minerals increases
Reduced risk of cancers
Reduced risk of stroke and heart problems
Decreased anxiety
Decreased stress levels
Quicker immune response
Sense of achievement
Increased self-esteem
Renewed belief in yourself
#goalcoholfree #noalcohol #trydry #dryjanuary #soberoctober #alcoholfreelifestyle #losethebooze #rethinkthedrink #challengeyourself #yougotthis